This article analyzes the scientific contribution of famous domestic scientist, teacher and organizer of psychological science, the first Rector of the Irkutsk State University Moses Matveyevich Rubinstein (1878–1953). Organizational, economic and academic activities M. M. Rubinstein at the post of Rector and head of the Department of philosophy and psychology of the Irkutsk State University was held in extremely difficult conditions of the Civil war. Giving a lot of time and effort, organization of educational process at the University, M. M. Rubinstein never left his studies science, psychology and pedagogy. It is shown that a century later incorporated M. M. Rubinstein academic tradition worthy of continuing faculty profile departments and faculties of psychology Siberian universities. Today in the region has developed organizational macrostructure psychological centers, academic units, services and organizations, allowing a successful educational, practical and research work in the field of psychological science.
Keywords: history of psychology, pedology, Moses M. Rubinstein, psycho-pedagogical education, educational psychology, Eastern Siberia, Irkutsk State University
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 132 — 140
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