The article reviewed the research on informatization of education in Russia. The research presented in the article was conducted in the past decade. The author presents and substantially addressed the work of scientists who have researched and created the scientific models, including the use of information resources in training and education. Particular attention is paid to systems of information in the regions and various strategies of education informatization. The author reveals in the text different scientific approaches to solving urgent scientific problems in the field of education informatization. The article argued continuation of current scientific research regarding the use of information and communication technologies in educational process.
Keywords: research, information, models, approaches, competence
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2. Molokova A. V. Kompleksnyy podkhod k informatizatsii obrazovatel’nogo protsessa v nachal’noy shkole [An integrated approach to the informatization of the educational process in an elementary school]. Novosibirsk, NIPKiPRO Publ, 2011. 366 p. (in Russian).
3. Lukashenko N. S. IKT- kompetentnost’ uchitelya v nauchno-issledovatel’skikh rabotakh po pedagogike [ICT-competence of teachers in the scientifi c research on pedagogy]. Interaktivnoye obrazovaniye – Interactive Education, 2015, no. 62, pp. 3 (in Russian).
Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 141 — 144
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