Despite the fact that creativity is often associated with psychopathology and mental disorders, there is also the opposite direction, emphasizing a positive role of creativity, namely the concept of self-actualization – the individual’s ability to move beyond the physiological, psychological and social levels of needs, in order to achieve the highest level of the pyramid associated with the implementation of self-empowerment. In the article creativity and self-actualization are considered in the context of purpose in life, empathy and self-esteem. Correlation was found only between creativity and spontaneity (self-actualization scale). Regression model of creativity has only two significant predictors such as penetrability and spontaneity. In contrast, the self-actualization model can be explained by most of the purpose in life parameters, empathy and self-esteem. Differences in individual characteristics between creative and self-actualized people are discussed.
Keywords: creativity, self-actualization, purpose in life orientations, empathy, selfesteem
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 31 — 37
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