The article describes the process of formation of methodical competence of students, future teachers of geography through various forms of learning (lectures, seminars, practical courses), through independent research and pedagogical activity. The article reveals components of the methodical competence, such as methodological knowledge, methodological skills, pedagogical reflexion, and shows the development of their students during the study of discipline “methods of teaching geography” with the passage of pedagogical practice. Legal and methodical support of formation of methodical competence of the students is the developed educational-methodical complex. Selected the diagnostic tools for identification of the level of formation of methodical competence components, identified the criteria for each level. The diagnostics revealed the difficulties of students in mastering of methodological knowledge and skills and determined on their basis a number of organizational and pedagogical measures, contributing to the formation of methodical competence.
Keywords: methodical competence, methods of teaching geography, professional competence of the teacher
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 52 — 58
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