The axiosphere of bachelors of social work relates to a notion “system of vocational valuable orientations”, however, it is more stable, individualized and peremptory. It performs a regulatory function in the implementation of professional activity, which is reflected in the preferences of those or other significant professional knowledge, technologies, tools, resources, communication strategies. Values of health are treated as invariant of axiosphere of social worker, which provides professional internalization of other important values, and the implementation of the humanistic potential of the profession. The valuable content of the category “health” is performed on the meta, micro and meso level of classification the values of social work. 4th year students studying in the direction “social work”, tend to underestimate the importance of health in the context of professional activities. After studying the module of health-saving directivity, different views of health in its value dimension for the students became more significant, that was observed at ranging of the professional values and the definition of priorities of social problems. The associative array to the notion “health” was expanded to include various semantic groups, the level of professional responsibility for the formation of a healthy way of life of the population has increased, the strong interrelationship of phenomena of health and social well-being emerged. Consequently, the training program for bachelors of social sphere should include disciplines, which actualize the professional value of health.
Keywords: health, value, axiosphere, healthy lifestyle, preparation of bachelors of social work
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 92 — 96
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