The results of study of self-regulation of behaviour as a criterion of psychological readiness to successful implementation of research activity are presented. The main phases of research activity within conceptual model of the activity dynamic structure by R. Kh. Shakurov are considered. The study sample included 88 postgraduate students and masters engaged in research work. For revealing the features of the processes of selfregulation of young scientists’ behavior, “Style of Self-Regulation of Behavior” technique by V. I. Morosanova was used. Processes of planning and estimation of results are the most expressed ones in young scientists’ profile of self-regulation. Two factors, tentatively named “flexibility in search for decisions and estimation of results” and “independence in goal setting”, indicating features of styles of self-regulation of young scientists have been distinguished. Gender differences in indicators of the process of planning have been established. Young scientists of male sample had more developed individual features of goal setting and goal retention. It has been revealed that postgraduate students, as opposed to the masters, are forming their program of actions for implementation of tasks of research activity more independently.
Keywords: psychological readiness, research activity, self-regulation, junior scientists
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 9 — 15
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