The author of the article considers the possibilities of improvement of relevant to current school of education – learning portfolio. Within the concept of pedagogics of joint activity proves the necessity of creating a special type of portfolio – joint portfolio of teacher and students. To demonstrate the specificity of the new learning tool, the author makes a distinction between the concepts of «individual», «group», «joint» portfolio. Joint portfolio is shown in the article by the products of organizational activity of the teacher, uniting the products of educational activity of students. The article draws attention to the continuity of the joint development portfolio for elementary, middle and high School of joint activities (school № 49, Tomsk). The author presents the main segments of the joint portfolio of teacher and students, its structure through which reveals its historical and educational opportunities. These features are manifested most effectively in the analysis of models of collaboration, identify the specific contribution of each of its members to the overall achievements.
Keywords: portfolio of teacher and students, concept of joint activity, educational opportunities
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 31 — 35
Downloads: 970