Interest in the problems connected with determination of values and meaning of life in the context of complete process – valuable self-determination of school students considerably increases in modern school owing to change of a paradigm of education when the trained faces a certain choice of personal positions. The article considers system and activity approach as a methodological basis of valuable self-determination of the students in axiosphere of school geography. Reveals the concepts “axiosfer of school geography”, “valuable self-determination”, “values of school geography”. From a position of system and activity approach personal universal educational actions as a basis of formation of values of school geography and personal educational results are allocated. Examples of educational tasks at lessons of school geography taking into account formation of personal universal educational actions are given.
Keywords: system and activity approach, valuable self-determination, axiosfer of school geography, value of school geography, personal universal educational actions
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 110 — 115
Downloads: 1075