This article is devoted to the topical problem – the control and evaluative activities in the pedagogy of music education. The features of the structure of competent musicians are considered and the level of complexity of its formation is determined. The completed analysis of the literature on the subject indicates the absence of a unified technology which integrates monitoring and evaluation of results in professional music training. In the process of training the professional musician in secondary vocational education the formation of musical aural competency is the most important task and is carried out primarily on the musical-theoretical disciplines cycle. “Solfeggio” is obligatory subject for all musical specialities. We consider the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard to the results of the studying of this subject on specialty “Instrumental Performance”. On the example of musical theoretical discipline “Solfeggio” the elements of music and aural competence are defined. The development of monitoring system is carried out, which is the control and measuring tool and an effective way of organizing the educational process.
Keywords: control and evaluation in music education, professional competence, musical-theoretical disciplines, monitoring
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 48 — 53
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