The article discloses the approach to understanding the meaning of reading as metasubject skills, describes its operational structure, justifies its importance for education of pupils. Characterizes the types of reading that differ in the character of information extracted from the text and intended use: scanning, skimming, reading for detail comprehension. Presents the results of a study of formation of semantic reading of pupils with mental retardation by the analysis of possibilities to implement scanning, skimming, reading for detail comprehension. They are evaluated on the basis of pupils’ performance of the tasks, associated with varying degrees of completeness and accuracy of understanding textual information. Describes and analyzes the main types of errors, indicates their possible causation.
Keywords: universal educational activity, semantic reading, types of reading, scanning, skimming, reading for detail comprehension
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 148 — 154
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