DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-92-99
The foreground aim of training future teachers at higher school is developing their skills in solving professional teacher problems. To achieve the modern goals of school education in physics - preparing students for living in a rapidly changing environment, forming informal knowledge – it is necessary to modernize the methodological training system in higher education. The article describes the main professional tasks of the teacher of physics pointed out on the basis of the analysis of the modern teacher’s activity. The article suggests the model of training of future teachers of physics, aiming to formulate the generalized methods of solving professional problems related to planning of informative activity of students in the study of a particular subject. We describe the contents and methods of organization of methodical preparation of students at every stage of formation of the generalized method of performing activities related to the preparation for the future physics lecturers: 1) the projecting stage of pedagogical activity; 2) the stage of the modeling of pedagogical activity; 3) control and corrective stage. At the projecting stage of pedagogical activity students form the ability of planning the cognitive activity of students and their obtaining knowledge of physics, given in a particular stage of a school course of physics. For example, the article describes the logical sequence of the cognitive activity of «achieving» by the students some physical knowledge on «gas pressure». Future teachers learn their ways to formulate educational objectives, to develop experimental systems, to conduct physical experiments, to develop teaching tools. Describes the technology of practical training in the modeling phase of pedagogical activity, at which every student «acts out» his developed lesson model with his fellow students, playing the role of pupils. It is proposed to carry out the control and correction stage in the real pedagogical process at school. Each trainee will organize cognitive activity of pupils on several lessons of physics and identifies the level of formation of knowledge and skills they achieved.
Keywords: professional teacher’s activity, methodical training, deep knowledge in physics, learning task, experimental aiming, projecting and modeling pedagogical activity
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 92 — 99
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