DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-142-152
Success is considered as an integrative attribute of personality, consisting of many cognitive and non-cognitive components. An important component of the educational success of pupils is spatial thinking. A comprehensive approach to the study of spatial reasoning through its components namely: spatial-verbal, graphomotor, structural-spatial, etc. was suggested. The findings confirm that spatial reasoning plays a significant role in the success of training not only for classes in mathematics, but also natural science and humanities. It was proved that the importance of spatial reasoning in the educational success of school pupils is the highest in the early school years and gradually declines to secondary school age. Educational success of pupils of high school depends mainly on the formation of conceptual thinking. The level of development of spatial thinking of high school pupils is associated with success in mastering subjects such as algebra, geometry, physics, technology, and accordingly with the subject of physical-mathematical, technical abilities. This is in inverse proportion to the role of gender and age characteristics in spatial thinking, which is increasing from early to secondary school age. Phased development of immature components of spatial thinking among early school age pupils contributes to their academic success.
Keywords: spatial thinking, verbal thinking, age and gender peculiarity, educational success, educational difficulties, subject capabilities, gradual development
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 142 — 152
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