DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-153-162
Higher education activity expansion, its appearance in an international market of educational services is one of the most typical traits for today in all societies. Russia has a long-standing experience in preparing personnel for foreign countries. China is Russia’s true and friendly partner. Students from abroad meet new set of factors in what regards the environment when they are in Russia: different sociocultural and language settings, unusual climate, new forms and methods of learning, total change of work and leisure schedule etc. Those cause some difficulties for the students to fit into the new life conditions. Correspondently, Russian teachers and tutors who work with Chinese students also experience certain difficulties in the course of teaching. This objectively poses the task to create certain conditions to adapt foreign students for learning in Russia. The paper gives the analysis of the main sociocultural problems Chinese students in Russia and their teachers face when they all are in the process of studying. The article also scrutinizes the questions of the importance of ethnocultural specificity. Taking into account the problems mentioned above and focusing on possible ways of their solution will promote efficiency of tutor’s following up for the groups of Chinese students. It will help those students to guide themselves in the mono- or polyethnic class environment, avoid the situations of mutual misunderstanding or even intercultural conflict and can raise the efficiency of their learning.
Keywords: education, Russian higher education system, education in China, teachers, students, sociocultural adaptation, national-cultural specificity, psychological peculiarities of students
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 153 — 162
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