DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-169-172
The article considers particular features of the conceptual vision of modern education. On the basis of the comparative context of philosophical positions and the traditional understanding of the educational space describes the conception of the educational space as the space of the phenomenal, the essential relation to the content of education and its organization; the content of education is described through a set of characteristics, the study of which allows to define separate vectors of development of the new format of the educational space. Traditional education is described in the institutional education plan, its socio-cultural and historical determinancy, influencing the openness of the educational space, which is reflected in the formation of the semantic aspect. Presents the analysis of various positions of formation and designing of the content of education, in particular student-centred and subject-specific aspects; the accent is on the description of the position of relationship to the actual substantive terms of education as to the transcendental sphere, not the fixate of educational material, no matter how wide its limit is; estimates in the context of the study the presented understanding of the concept «motivation». The total of the above arguments allowed us to describe the actual format of the educational space in general, highlighting the internal changes occurring at the conceptual level.
Keywords: educational space, institutional education, content of education, the context of educational and pedagogical activity, pedagogical practice
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 169 — 172
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