DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-2-9-20
The article describes various aspects of the systematic structural approach as a methodological basis for personality-oriented psychological research. Presents general background of the theory of systems, describes B. F. Lomov’s systematic approach, M. S. Rogovin’s systematic and structural approach and G. W. Zalewskiy’s systematic personality-oriented approach. The use of the systematic methods allows us to solve the tasks of systematics, planning and organization of a comprehensive research. The systematic approach is applicable only to objects that are characterized by a high degree of functional detachmennt. The aim of the systematic approach is to build theoretical basis, to organize and conduct empirical research, to obtain conclusions containing new knowledge. In psychology, the systematic approach is applied to the study of individual objects and its elements, set of objects, complex, polysemic phenomena, such as: superior mental functions, structure of the personality, the phenomena of intra- and interpersonal conflicts, mutual interference of systems “personality” – “society”, interaction between systems “organism” – “psyche” – “environment”, family relationships, reproductive behavior and maternal function, evaluation of somatic and mental health. Principle of consistency allows us to analyze each structural element of the psyche in relation to its holistic functioning. Based on the comparison and data analysis the following conclusions were made. The organization of the scientific research and psychological practice based on the principles of the systematic approach allows us to explore some aspects of mentality to the fullest extent possible, to compare data of empirical researches, to integrate them into one single gnoseological system, to understand the phenomenology of mental processes, to view interaction of mentality and of the world around us. Unlike individual approach systematic personality-oriented approach to the research and psychological correction involves compulsory reliance on personality structure: (nucleus, surface structure (shell), biological basis), taking into account personality orientation, the indication of the prospects of its further development.
Keywords: science methodology, psychology, approach, system, structure, level, element, personality, research
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 9 — 20
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