DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-2-21-30
The article contains information about the current research state of pregnancy miscarriage. We discuss the examination data on the identification of shortening gestation and pregnancy miscarriage risk as a multi-process affecting the biological, social and psychological levels. The research review details the psychological aspect of the motivational, emotional and value-semantic sphere of a pregnant person. The psychological aspect of mother’s personality and her features affecting the gestation age are viewed separately. The article contains the information about the emotional sphere peculiarities of a pregnant woman and their influence on the gestation course and the pregnancy outcome; about the relation of anxiety disorders with increasing frequency of placental insufficiency, an intrauterine growth restriction, premature birth and low-birth-weight children with the emotional preparedness of a motherto-be to the motherhood, a characterization of mental sets and the approximation of reactions. The conative component of the pregnancy process and individual psychological features of the mother’s personality, her character type and accentuation of personality traits are characterized in the article. Within a framework of the anthropological approach the signs of healthy gestation course associated with the formation of the value-semantic component are described. The relation of psychological components is considered as a risk of shortening gestation age.
Keywords: shortening of gestational age, pregnancy miscarriage, value-semantic sphere, psychological aspect of pregnancy
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 21 — 30
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