DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-2-70-78
The article examines the problem of training of speech therapists for realization of inclusive education tasks. Provides the state documents, in which the directions of the teachers’ activity in the conditions of inclusive education and development of persons with the special educational necessities are indicated. Justifies the updating of the requirements for the teacher-speech therapist in the context of inclusive education. The need for future speech therapy teachers to work in conditions of inclusion with persons with disabilities, readiness for independent development and implementation of an individual development program for students with special educational needs is considered. Changes in the content of the competencies in the new federal state educational standard of higher education in the direction of preparation 44.03.03 Special (dialectological) education orientation (profile) Speech Therapy are revealed. Actualization of reflection component in the content of the competencies of future teachers-speech therapists and forming of the inclusive competence is educed. The definitions related to the inclusive education, such as: inclusion, the inclusive oriented education, the inclusive competence are analysed. The new term “the inclusive oriented training” on the basis of theoretical analysis and with a glance of competency approach is entered.
Keywords: inclusion, inclusive oriented education, new requirements to the teacherspeech therapist, the inclusive oriented training of teachers-speech therapists, reflection component, inclusive competence
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 70 — 78
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