DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-51-56
Synergetic approach in pedagogy allows us to consider development of teacher’s competence as a self-organization process of complex structure. At the same time it becomes possible to use synergetic modeling and to find new approaches to the organization of teacher’s self-education and self-development, to give it humanistic traits – subjectivity, activity, consideration of individual needs. Synergetic modeling has several advantages. It allows to consider complex self-organizing systems, such as social groups, complex personality structure. Synergetic approach allows us to consider the social system using the principles developed in synergy: homeostasis, hierarchical, non-linearity, openness, instability, dynamic hierarchy, observability. Synergistic approach used in management, replacing technocratic management, gives possibilities of a soft impact on self-development of teachers through environmental management options. Based on the synergistic approach, it is possible to design the change of the educational environment with creation of disequilibrium points to initiate teacher’s self-development. This approach is of particular relevance in the development of the research competence of the teacher, since it forms the skills of activity in the situation of uncertainty, openness, activity, readiness for a wide range of variants of the development of events. By controlling the environment at the bifurcation points, you can initiate the process of self-development of teachers, which opens up opportunities for improving the quality of education
Keywords: synergetic approach, education, self-development, research competence
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 51 — 56
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