DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-57-64
The innovative format of pedagogical cooperation as a current trend in distance education – the use of massive open online courses is proposed. Considers different interpretations in scientific literature of massive open online courses as a sociocultural phenomenon, technologies and tools of distance learning, the new educational format of teacher interaction, online training, method of organization of independent work of students. Described the advantages and disadvantages of the inclusion of massive open online courses into the education system. Identified the principles of continuity, individualization of learning, integrity and interactivity of the presentation of educational material, participation, openness, distributed educational material, multimedia representations of educational information about the use of massive open online courses. Fleshed out the structure and the content of the massive open online courses, the requirements for theoretical content and practical activities, forms of control of course. Identified priority areas for the use of massive open online courses in teaching practice in the conditions of Informatization of education, such as expanding educational opportunities, continuity of education, ensuring the accessibility and quality of educational programmes, attraction of talented youth. As a result, the experience of developing a pedagogical scenario for a mass open online course for teaching post-graduate students in research activities is presented.
Keywords: massive open online courses, research activity, research competence, distance education, teacher
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 57 — 64
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