DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-71-77
The article is dedicated to the question of uniqueness of Russian art of dance and its educational potential. Russian dance, Russian song, Russian melody – an integral part of Russian folk art culture, allow a nation living in the same territory, to realize itself as a whole, to have the same values and moral ideals. Russia is a huge multinational country, but most of its population is Russian, which in the whirlwind of political, economic and social problems of lost traditions, morality and great dance is the heritage of its people. Studying ways to preserve and promote Russian folk dance at the time when every nation defends its uniqueness and independence, is becoming the most important. New time creates new values, new tastes, trends, rhythms and preferences. The loss of the traditions of the past damages both the national culture of the country and the whole of mankind. It addresses the issue of playing on the stage of the best examples of Russian art of dance. Currently, a large part of all stage works in Russia, one way or another connected with the art of dance, are the material of modern choreography borrowed from Western culture, so the Russian dance has become an impersonal set of certain elements of dance, sometimes having nothing to do with it. As a consequence, there was a partial loss of educational potential inherent in the Russian dance. The examples of the distinctive regional forms of Russian dance, are formed under the influence of weather and household characteristics. As a result, every region of Russia has both general and its unique Russian folk dance forms. In this case, the age limit stages are practically the same, but since the mechanisms of transmission of dance experience, used in traditional culture is lost, then at this stage there is a purposeful learning and teaching dancing skills.
Keywords: traditional culture, Russian folk dance, regional features of Russian dance
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 71 — 77
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