DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-78-83
Specific nature of creation of an artistic image in vocal variety piece has many common features with that of other art forms. This specific nature implies the presence of two aspects: creative, that influence creative abilities of a performer and technical, caused by practical skills in sound performance. Nevertheless, according to musicologists, both creative and technical aspects are in main focus of the activities aimed at the creation of the artistic image, which is preceded by the preparatory, as well as the final stages afterwards. At the same time, the main difficulty in creating of a musical-verbal image in a vocal work is in the multitasking of the actions performed by the artist. In addition to direct technical, intonationally competent performance, the singer must constantly reflect-analyze his activities on the stage and, if necessary, change it, sometimes depending on the reaction of the viewer. In this regard, the pedagogical experience of the step-by-step creation of the artistic image of the vocal piece in work with children in children’s art school was analyzed. A set of methods that develop performing techniques has been developed and tested, including working with the text of a piece, teaching the basics of acting skills. Examples of exercises for the development of the singing voice, for expanding the vocal range, improving the timbre, rhythm, and dynamics of vocal performance are given. The results of the methodology and testing can be of interest for teachers in the vocal class.
Keywords: artistic image, vocal variety performance, children’s art school, music education
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 78 — 83
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