DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-93-98
The article touches upon the problem of psychological safety of children of early and preschool age in preschool educational organizations. The main models of educational environment described in the psychological and pedagogical literature are presented. The definition of psychological safety, possible risks in the educational environment (I. Baeva) is given. The urgency of the problem of psychological safety for children of early and preschool age in a pre-school educational organization, related to the age-specific features – impressionability, emotionality, suggestibility is described. “Areas of psychological risks”, based on the ontogenetic principle of child development, are defined – early adaptation of children to pre-school educational organization, the relationship of the child with the educator, low sociometric status of the child in the peer group; lagging behind in development, behavioral and emotional disorders in childhood, problems of child relationships in the family (problematic relations between parents, neurotic styles of upbringing, sibling relationships), social and psychological problems in the pedagogical collective. The reasons determining psychological risks in preschool age are revealed, the most significant of which is insufficient psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers of preschool institutions, parents. The conditions of psychological security in the educational environment of the pre-school educational organization are systematized, among them – the organization of the system of child support in the OED, from the moment of admission to release; the integrated nature of the escort, the close interaction of all OED specialists, their cooperation with the family; increase of psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers in the field of personalityoriented interaction with pupils.
Keywords: educational environment of pre-school educational organization (OED), risk zones of children of early and preschool age in OED
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 93 — 98
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