DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-99-107
Mass interest of schoolchildren in various technical novelties (tablets, smartphones, pocket digital players) that have become widely available, and as well as computer, that gives opportunity of unlimited access to the Network causes concern and have negative effect on the emotional and volitional, communicative and motivational spheres of teenagers’ identity. Cyberthreats of communicative character present real danger for teenagers – Internet users due to the growing social role of virtual communication. The most common threats include the use of confidential information for criminal purposes, anonymous threats, insults or blackmail during message exchange on forums, chats, in social networks, via e-mail and mobile devices (Cyber-Mobbing, trolling, flaming), creation and placement of videos with posts scenes of violence (Happy Slaping) on popular portals. Such actions may lead to serious mental problems in adolescents. The main critical directions of functioning of the Internet and their influence on a mental state, life and health of teenagers are defined. It is shown that in formation of deviant behavior of teenagers the Internet plays a significant role. The signs of a new type of non-chemical dependence – cyberaddiction, its consequences, the ways of prevention are described, the actions necessary for the fight against this dependence among teenagers are listed. The kinds of cyberactivity most of which will likely lead to formation of computer dependence are specified.
Keywords: teenagers, computer dependence, cybersuicide, cyber-mobbing, violations of emotional and cognitive properties of the personality, functional violations of health
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 99 — 107
Downloads: 1412