DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-117-126
This article focuses on psychosocial mechanisms of relations between person and society, formulated on the basis of the systemic structural-level concept of the psyche by B. F. Lomov, M. S. Rogovin and G. V. Zalevsky. The study of personality in the context of the systemic structural-level concept of the psyche can not be called comprehensive without the characteristic of the interaction of the “personality” and “society” systems. The article gives definitions of the term “society” given by foreign and local researchers. Based on the comparison and analysis of the definitions of the concept of «society» in science, the author’s view of the problem is proposed. In the context of the systemic structural-level conception of the psyche, society is a system that has developed in the course of historical development and is characterized by an internal hierarchy (intra-individual, interindividual, metaindividual levels) reflecting the main spheres of social life (kinship, spiritual, economic, social, political, managerial spheres). The functioning of the personality in the social environment, the structure of the society, the specific features of society, the influence of society on the formation and development of the personality, the integration of individuals into society are characterized. As a result of the analysis of literary sources, the author’s graphic images (diagrams) illustrating the structure of the society in the context of systemic studies and the integration of individuals into the society are elaborated. The materials of the article supplement the existing theoretical ideas about the personality and its integration into the micro- and macro-community systems.
Keywords: psychology, sociology, personality, society, methodology, system, structure, element, level
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 117 — 126
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