DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-178-184
The article considers foreign research experience of the notion of information and communication competency of an educator. Due to intensive development of globalization and informatization, new information and communication technologies are appearing and influencing the organization of educational process, ways of interaction between participants of educational process, new educator’s competencies and content of such competencies that are becoming more and more inevitable in nowadays’ teacher’s performance. Among these new competencies, information and communication competency of an educator is of great interest in many foreign researchers’ works. Due to the process of carrying out the research on the notion and content of the competency by diverse organizations such as International Society for Technology in Education, Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge and UNESCO there exists a variety of different terms of the same notion. In this respect, foreign research experience in this field presents an interest considering its elaboration in detail on theoretical and practical levels. Theoretical methods used while conducting this study are mostly analysis, comparing, synthesis. Furthermore, the article presents characteristics of different groups of researchers and educational organizations dealing with the issues of notion and content of information and communication competency of an educator. While comparing and analyzing various researches on this issue, the author comes to the conclusion that their ideas are similar in most cases, especially the content of informational and communicational competency that supposes two indispensible aspects – technological and didactic ones.
Keywords: information and communication competence, foreign experience, information and communication technologies, professional education
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 178 — 184
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