DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-185-191
On the basis of scientific periodicals considers the problem of teaching the Russian language to students as a foreign language. The requirements for the formation of language courses, for the organization of the Russian language teaching, taking into account the national language specificity of students are allocated. Russian methods and practices of teaching Russian as a foreign language are presented, namely: the characteristic of the works on Russian as a foreign language as a separate scientific direction (as an independent subject of linguistics; features of consideration of the secondary language person and the nature of its formation) is given, the experience of the consideration of sociocultural context of learning Russian as a foreign language (organization of work with texts containing information on the national picture of the world, the use of specially organized forms of visual communication) is described; the general and specific methodological aspects of the problem of studying Russian as a foreign language (methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, including modern approaches to the forms and methods of control; forms and methods of using the imagery of the Russian language through various language units; analysis of difficulties encountered by foreign students learning Russian as a foreign language).
Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, linguistic personality, typology of mistakes, forms and methods of control
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 185 — 191
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