DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-66-74
The research urgency is caused by necessity of overcoming of social exclusion of adolescents and young people in connection with their health status and limitation of activity in the context of inclusive trends in social policy and practice worldwide. In this regard, this paper aims to study and search, stationare-replacement format of socio-pedagogical support of young people with mental and physical disabilities type of conduct disorder autisticheskogo spectrum (ASD) with the aim of developing self-empowerment of all participants - children and their parents. A leading approach to the study of this problem is an integrative activity, allowing to consider the socio-political, organizational, pedagogical, technological possibilities of the formation of self-assertion at the expense of the active involvement of families with children and adolescents with ASD to work in social settlements. The article presents the results of sociological, psychological and pedagogical research of the problem of social inclusion of persons with risk of exclusion from society, are disclosed various forms of social integration practitioner, structural-functional model accompanied by life, the possibility of its implementation with the public organization of parents of children with autism in a regional context on the example of rural settlement. The materials of the article are of practical value to professionals in the field of social pedagogy and work, as well as students with the aim of obtaining specific competencies with social-spending families with children with disabilities. The results are presented of the socio-pedagogical project can be useful for the development of a social movement of parents.
Keywords: social support of people with autism spectrum disorders, social inclusion, social exclusion, structural-functional model accompanied by stay
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 66 — 74
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