DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-75-80
We examined the necessity to organize the work of teacher-mentors with young specialists and inexperienced teachers: attracting qualified personnel, transferring corporate culture, socialization in the professional community. We defined the concept of mentoring in an educational organization. We described the motivation of experienced teachers to engage in mentoring: recognition of authority, empowerment, financial support. We made an analysis of the questionnaires of teachers-mentors, which made it possible to identify the difficulties of teachers who do not have mentors at the beginning of work, have insufficient formation of mentor’s competencies, they need special training for mentoring, support and evaluation. We defined key indicators of success in the profession: communication with children, the social importance of the profession; the first years of work are a significant period for becoming and consolidating in the profession; communicative, mobility and learning; the absence of a mentor is one of the important reasons for the emergence of professional difficulties. We described the directions of development and diversity of forms of mentoring activities in school: accompaniment of a young teacher by a single or a group of mentors, rendering assistance to mentors in any area of extracurricular, project, lesson activity, IT-mentoring, preparation for participation in a professional competitions, joint development and implementation by teachers-mentors of free educational events for young professionals and beginners teachers.
Keywords: mentor, young teacher, choice of profession, professional formation, indicators of success, mentoring groups, cooperation, support, mutual learning
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 75 — 80
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