DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-90-95
The need for young people to develop attitudes toward public trust, harmony, and cultural dialogue is a priority for ensuring the consolidation of various sectors of civil society. The article examines the essence and interrelation of the concepts of trust, consent, multicultural education. It is proved that these are not abstract, but quite real and multifaceted categories that are not directly economic and social, but psychologically influence the social and economic realities of society. The role of national values, as a set of spiritual ideals of representatives of ethnic communities, is shown in the formation of public trust and consent among young people. It is established that universal values, the importance of which can neither be belittled nor exaggerated, can only specify a context that must be filled with a certain content stemming from the dialectics of interrelation with traditional Russian spiritual values. The article overviews the contemporary situation of the problem of polycultural education, and researches the role of education in cohesion, trust and peacefulness among the present day youth. This problem is important for many countries in the world with multinational population. The Russian state politics is aimed at harmonization of international relationships and civil unity. Due to it Russian education considers the task of building relationships with the representatives of various social, ethnic, religious communities on the basics of principles of respect and acceptance of different cultures, nations and religions. Polycultural education has a high potential to fulfill this task.
Keywords: universal and traditional national values, public trust and consent, polycultural education, civil unity
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 90 — 95
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