DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-189-197
Childhood saving is a key idea of the pedagogical conception of the development of preschool education designed by the author, a strategic vector that determines the new quality of education in the interests of childhood. The article shows that the growing challenges of globalization, informatization, the alarming tendencies of the development of modern civilization with its environmental problems, high socio-cultural dynamics, economic crises, the aggravation of interethnic conflicts, migration processes, terrorist threat, extremism and other factors threatening modern childhood, determine the need to create conditions for childhood saving in education. Childhood is seen in the article as a self-valuable phenomenon that has undergone significant transformations in recent decades. The notion of “childhood saving” is introduced into the scientific revolution, becomes the system-forming core of the paradigm of preschool education and the pedagogical means of implementing the priorities of state policy in the interests of children. The article outlines theoretical approaches to the design of a childood saving model of preschool education, reveals some principles for its implementation. The essence of pedagogical activity is seen in the creation of conditions for the preservation of childhood, the actualization of the subjectivity of the child in the course of a safe, developing, socializing life activity in a pre-school educational organization. The pedagogical concept of childhood saving was formed during the author’s many years of activity in the field of pre-school education, design and implementation of the federal state standard of pre-school education, development and approbation of its scientific and methodological support at the experimental sites of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education” in more than 35 regions of the Russian Federation, monitoring studies, judgments on scientific and practical activities for specialists in the field of preschool education
Keywords: childhood, education, a decade of childhood, childhood saving, preschool education
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 189 — 197
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