DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-102-111
Further development of humankind is possible in the context of a dialogue of different national, cultural and religious communities, who are able to understand and accept another culture as a positive equivalent to their own. The articles deals with the challenges of globalization, namely, the complex problems of ethnic relations within Russia. The problem is analyzed from the standpoint of possible use of successful practices of previous periods in history of Russia. The main message is to educate young generations of RF ethnic tolerance with positive examples. Replicating negative information of interethnic relations plays a negative role in everyday life and the course of education for younger generations. The most possible attention is paid to development of principles of tolerant attitudes towards different ethnic groups of the country – the titular nation, i.e. ethnic Russians, ethnic minorities and immigrants. State authorities should be involved in the process as well. Education with positive historic and cultural ethnic experience, dialogue, cultural practices, multicultural studies pre-arranged as a realistic program are thought to be reliable means to develop more tolerant younger generations. Professionalism in this matter is rather significant: profound knowledge of ethnic characteristics guarantees mutual respect and acceptance while solving the problems of ethnic conflicts.
Keywords: tolerance, ethnic relations, cross-cultural relation, the Russian language, front or title ethnos, ethnic minorities, immigrants
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 102 — 111
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