DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-34-42
The article considers the following approaches to motivation: motive as a goal, motive as a need, motive as an intent, motive as a stable personality trait, motive as an inducement. Studied the motives of first-year students for admission to pedagogical university. Motives are correlated with the main approaches to motivation. Presents possibility of application of data interpretation for the installation of the nature of motivation: internal, external and identify the individual characteristics of the career choices made by freshmen. The interaction between different types of motives and self-esteem of students is noted. Generally, internal motives correlate with self-esteem and external ones with high and low self-esteem. The applications of the results are relevant for the implementation of individual approach in building the conditions for the further formation of positive motivation of first-year students to the profession, keeping the attention on the fact that the motivational sphere is quite dynamic: the value and impact of individual motives цvary, and accordingly, it changes the hierarchy of motives. Various factors can change this hierarchy and therefore, the task of teachers is to maintain the positive motivation to the teaching profession that will continue to promote prosperous professional activities.
Keywords: motive, hierarchy of motives, self-esteem, individual approach
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 34 — 42
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