DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-43-50
Theoretical and practical work on the diagnosis of personal achievement results of pupils has a significant impact on the professional development of future teachers. The study of professional formation and development of the teacher is of great interest to researchers. The formation of professional skills of the teacher is considered from the viewpoint of the competence approach. Researchers are studying the formation of common and individual professional competence of the teacher. It can be stated that the study of professional formation of the teacher is quite high. In the process of training students not only learn the essence of professional competence, but also conduct self-diagnosis of their formation. Despite sufficient knowledge of the professional development of teachers, inclusion in the educational process of active teaching methods, students experience certain difficulties in practice, which are not visible in the classroom. Organization of corrective seminar after the practical training allows to detect issues and to organize activities to eliminate them. One of such challenges is the diagnosis of personality results of students. The formation of professional competence of students of pedagogical universities was facilitated by familiarity with a variety of personal outcomes of students of General education, with methods of diagnosis by different authors and using different diagnostic techniques. During the training of students within the framework of the correctional seminar, it was noted that the level of professional competence of future teachers has been raised. The students appreciated the seminar, and the expressed wishes not only continue, but also expand the subject.
Keywords: professional competence, professional difficulties, and personal outcomes of students, decomposition of the personal results, diagnosis of personal achievement results of students
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 43 — 50
Downloads: 1075