DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-51-56
The production practice is an important component of the vocational training for students of master’s degree program. It contributes to the formation of key competences of masters and the development of their professional experience, allows to assess the effectiveness of the development of the educational program. Evaluation of the students’ activities based on the results of the practice has its own characteristics and differs from the assessment of their knowledge and skills in academic disciplines. This requires defining the criteria and levels of their evaluation in practice. There are three types of practice during the Master’s studies for teachers. The result of all research and teaching activities of students is pre-graduation practice. Based on its results, the issue of admission to the defence of the final qualifying work is considered. In the article, the author raises the problem of assessing the professional competencies of the graduate students of psychological and pedagogical education following the results of industrial practice. The author considers the options offered in the literature for revealing the level of their formation, reveals the tasks, content, peculiarities of the organization of research activity, types of assignments for pre-graduation practice of students studying in the direction “Psychological and pedagogical education (Psychology and pedagogy of preschooler development)”. The experience of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University in determining the level of development of general professional and professional competencies is used: first (low), second (middle), third (high). The indicators and criteria for the manifestation of the competences of masters teachers based on the results of industrial (pre-graduation) practice are singled out and described. The article proposes a criterial-level approach to the organization of the pre-graduation practice of students of a master’s degree in the educational environment of a pedagogical university. The levels of manifestation of general professional and professional competencies are defined and characterized: critical, sufficient, advanced.
Keywords: training graduate students, pre-graduation practice, professional competencies, criteria, levels of competence development
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 51 — 56
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