DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-70-73
The article deals with the organization of additional forms of work with migrant students and the creation of such special pedagogical conditions with the purpose of acquiring new educational experience through the realization of their own educational needs and manifestations the student’s subjective position. The process of accompanying migrant students includes forms that allow students to adapt to educational activities and organize their activities of the teacher and the student, taking into account the realization of their own needs, thus forming a manifestation of the position of the subject of the student. Thus, the educational supporting of educational migration is to select students resulting forms of education taking into account their opinions and specificity of education in a particular institution. Educational forms of support for educational migration help migrants acquire a new educational experience, not by adapting to new conditions, but by implementing their own educational needs and adaptation as a process and result of student’s self-change and self-learning. We believe that the strategy of supporting education is more effective than the adaptation strategy, since it takes into account the student’s objective position in the teaching process. It is proved that educational support facilitates the immersion of the student in a new educational environment and the acquisition of a new personal experience. An example of the form of educational support is the educational meetings with migrant students.
Keywords: educational support, subjective position, migrant student, student’s educational resources
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 70 — 73
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