DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-111-119
Currently, the Russian professional education system adopts the scientific idea of using human resources of educational organization as a primary instrument for planned systematic changes of the system. In this work we formulate the main principles for systematic changes in preparation of middle level specialists (in educational content and educational infrastructure). We discuss how strategic management could be instrumental for this human resources development and illustrate it with an analysis of medical college case where the proposed approach was successfully implemented. Strategic management is based on strategic planning, the main element of which is project management and the foundation of strategic management is the human resources of the institution. Thus, the strategy of developing the human resources of the medical college must be viewed as the engine of the forthcoming strategic changes in the institution. We describe two main phases of the change: (1) cultivation of the commitment to change among personnel and of the vision of the change as an instrument of their professional development; (2) introduction of team problem-oriented skill improvements. We provide indicators (indexes) for qualitative analysis of human resources development in cycle methodical commissions. The college experience shows that the changes pushed administrative and organizational structure towards from hierarchical to matrix structure making it a better environment for innovative development.
Keywords: Professional education system, human resources, strategic management
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 111 — 119
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