DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-120-127
In this article we identified effective conditions of professional development for senior management. We briefly discuss importance of life-long learning concept and its development in the context of Russian educational system. We determine “support” in context of professional development methods, briefly describe and analyze several forms of it: tutoring, mentorship, coaching and educational consulting. Tutoring is characterized by transmission of knowledge in professional areas from a tutor with a slight touch on psychological aspects that are essential for success. Those psychological matters are covered in mentorship form of professional development. Mentor is usually a senior colleague who knows well all professional requirements of a certain position and can identify the needs in non-professional sphere. Informal way of mentorship is called budding. Coaching is usually conducted by nonprofessionals and in some sense opposite to tutoring. It is focused on psychological aspects that determine a person’s personality in the context of profession: personal and professional values, understanding of high-level goals in life etc. Key difference of educational consulting from all other forms of education is that advices are provided when needed, when a person identifies his needs unlike other forms which provide holistic support on the whole length of educational journey. We also emphasize importance of further research on conditions for professional development during life-long educational model.
Keywords: life-long educational model, professional development, conditions for individualization, tutoring, guidance, mentorship, budding, coaching, pedagogical consulting, educational consulting
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 120 — 127
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