DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-151-156
In the article the concept “leisure” is analyzed, the features of its contents at various stages of scientific research of this area are considered. Its major meanings are allocated: leisure as time and leisure as a kind of activity. On the basis of their relation, possible and essentially significant contradictions in the sphere of leisure are described: lack of free time as basic resource for leisure activity; contradictions between leisure and other kinds of activity, possible in free time; between requirements to which realization leisure activity, and other, more relevant requirements is directed; discrepancy of objective characteristics and subjective perception of leisure; contradictions between opportunities of social space and conditions of the social environment. The ways of their solution are specified. The author proved a possibility of use of leisure in professional education of the military personnel, offered a general plan of activity of the military teacher and an order of its realization with application of environmental approach. The organization of leisure of the military personnel it is presented as activity of the military teacher which consists in creation of conditions for restoration of their forces and development according to social requirements, the problems of professional education relevant to requirements and the interests of the military personnel in free time.
Keywords: leisure, professional education of the military personnel, environmental approach
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 151 — 156
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