DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-167-175
The article considers the experience of organizing a school contest of Olympism experts. Methods and results of studying the level of Olympic education of schoolchildren with the help of competitive tasks and the literary sources analysis on the topic are presented. The preparation of schoolchildren for the contest and preliminary experience of studying the Olympic themes are considered. The content of the contest, the types of contest tasks, and the evaluation of the quality and complexity of the contest questions are described. The most important in the formulation of questions is their informativeness. The article focuses on the need to use contest tasks in order to improve the level of Olympic education of schoolchildren. The main objective of the contest of Olympism experts is to realize the main goal of the Olympic education – the formation of a system of knowledge, skills, motivation of interests, value orientations based on high moral principles. The competition revealed the general and special knowledge of schoolchildren about the Olympic Games, their history, heroes and traditions. The results showed an average level of knowledge of the Olympic subjects by schoolchildren. In conclusion, an attempt to explain the results of the competition, and the main directions for improving the quality of the organization of the competition as a form of distribution and development of the Olympic education are formulated.
Keywords: the competition of Olympism experts, schoolchildren, the Olympic Games, Olympic movement, knowledge
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 167 — 175
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