DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-16-22
In modern society, police service is a complex activity. It requires great intelligence, outstanding character features, readiness to serve citizens in the interests of the personality, the state and society. Due to the changes in the social role of law enforcement agencies, the implementation of innovative technologies and modern technology into policing, police officers require a high level of education, new skills, such as research, communication, critical thinking, mastering new ways of communicating and working with information, developing self-development skills with the purpose of identifying oneself in professional activity, understanding of various social problems and the ability to solve them. To ensure a comprehensive approach to the realization of a person-oriented education of police staff, it is necessary to create a scientific and methodological platform for the formation of step-by-step vocational training, which enables the formation, development and improvement of professional readiness, professional education, professional culture. In order for professional police education to successfully fulfill its forecast functions, its structure, organization, content and methods of implementation should be perspective-oriented, which is possible only with the scientific provision of the educational process. In this sense, the experience of professional training of police staff in the Federal Republic of Germany as an established system of continuous professional police education based on a scientific basis is of interest. As the result of the scientific provision of the educational process, the necessary reaction is provided to the constant change of legislation, the appearance of new types and methods of committing crimes, the variability of the police’s social roles, the need to adjust the professional activity of police officers, adapt them to emerging life realities and conditions of service. The authors consider the general tendencies of supplementation of the scientific component and professionalization of labor activity on the basis of an analysis of the results of the research activities of the Saxony Police Institute.
Keywords: professional police education, the scientific base of the educational process, professionalization, fundamental scientific research, practical research, practical application of scientific knowledge, practical orientation
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 16 — 22
Downloads: 1108