DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-23-31
The paper describes the features of Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education for training specialists for Russian road construction industry which experiences innovations in the fields of engineering, construction, repair and transport infrastructure maintenance. Modern technologies in engineering, production, and use of conventional and non-traditional materials applied in engineering and survey companies require graduates to possess not only common competence in a wide range of knowledge, but also the ability to integrate in the production process within the shortest adaptation period. The paper considers the issue of long-term adaptation period university graduates usually take for adjusting to operation in real-life special conditions (with the account of trips, field surveying and technological operation). It is noted that such long adaptation is closely related to imperfection of curricula for bachelor and specialist degree students. For instance, standard duration of work placement training during the studies is no more than 4 weeks for bachelor students, which is obviously insufficient for learning the peculiarities of production processes and operations. Considerable impact on high-quality training of technical university students consists in organization of developing in students the competence of studying multisubject special disciplines. Novelty of the described teaching experience is in the use of known methods for activation of passive, active and interactive learning and cognitive activities in technical university students on the basis of a curriculum with a block structure of studying the disciplines provided by standards. Among the described teaching practices used for training road industry specialists are interaction between departments on the course project, comprehensive multisemester projects including term papers, projects and production and management projects. The paper presents peculiarities of new practices of developing competences in technical university students enabling recent graduates to perform their job functions on a high level, which is especially required by innovative production companies.
Keywords: concentrated training, cyclic method of training, quality of preparation, organization of educational process, competences, adaptation of the graduate, model of intensification of cognition, inter-cadre interaction
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 23 — 31
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