DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-41-47
The article considers the problem of studying and development of educational independence of students in the context of educational activity in higher education institution. The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on methods of formation of educational independence. The results of studying the levels of development of the studied quality in future educators are presented. The stages of the formation of educational independence are singled out: the stage of immersion in a new type of activity, the stage of reconstruction and construction of educational activity, the stage of designing educational activities. The article gives a detailed analysis of these stages and organizational forms in pedagogical process. There are a case-study, design of educational situations, organizational and activity games, the diary of introspection. Much attention is given to joint activity and educational activity. It deals with levels of development of educational independence. There are reproductive level, reconstructive level, creative level. It shows dynamics of development of levels of educational independence in students. Conclusions are drawn about efficiency of the offered stages of formation of educational independence. The article is of interest to teachers of colleges and higher educational institutions and also students of pedagogical specialties.
Keywords: educational independence, compatibility, educational activity, formation of educational independence, bachelors in pedagogy
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 41 — 47
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