DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-55-62
The article considers an issue of resource provision of university educational disciplines for successful functioning of Russian educational services in the international market. An important component of the innovative strategy that can help considerably reduce a degree of difficulties connected with teaching English-speaking students in Russian medical universities is compiling special textbooks and study guidances, aimed at work with this target group. The analysis of the problem and a special study conducted in Irkutsk State Medical University suggest that a system of models for compiling educational editions of different types should be used. The main idea is that authors should structure such pieces of writing within a certain pattern, so that they could have a better educational and methodical value. The problem of correlation of the Russian and English languages in such editions is essential and inevitable in this respect. It strongly correlates with inclusion of the practical course of medicinal subjects in the Russian-speaking environment, as well as with an ability, readiness and willingness of students to receive educational material in Russian. In order to see the point more clearly, a structural and substantial model of one of such editions appears at the end of the article. This is a pattern of a lecture course on a university discipline.
Keywords: educational program, export of educational services, medical education, model, educational edition in English, English-speaking students, lecture course
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 55 — 62
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