DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-76-82
The article represents the result of theoretical and experimental research of the issues of informal education of teachers of the general education system. This type of education has the ability to realize the idea of lifelong learning more completely. There is a low level of integration of formal and informal forms of education. In the work we define the informal professional communities in the following way: it is a form of joint professional activity of pedagogical workers in the general education system that contributes to the development of its participants’ professionalism in the process of the unified goal achieving within the framework of informal education. The author determines the key features of informal professional communities in comparison with competence development groups for teachers of general education system based on the type of education characteristics, the features of creation, activity, interaction of participants, etc. In the process of work we applied the andragogical approach, which allows considering the scientific foundations of adult learning, involving orientation toward the teachers’ professional development. Methods of comparison and expert assessments have made it possible to identify significant features of informal professional communities and competence development groups for teachers of the general education system (preschool, primary general, compulsory and secondary general education). It is possible to use the results of the research in scientific and methodological recommendations on the work optimization of the informal professional communities, as well as competence development groups.
Keywords: informal education, professional community, competence development, teachers of general education system
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 76 — 82
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