DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-106-112
New technologies actively invade not only the lives of adults, but also the lives of adolescents. The Internet for teenagers today is a free space for opportunities to achieve their goals and meet various needs. At the same time, the Internet can carry a danger to the physical and mental health of schoolchildren, and even for their lives. Currently, the scientific community is actively discussing a new psychological phenomenon cyberaddiction (synonyms: Internet addiction, computer addiction). The article examines the relationship between Internet addiction and cognitive personality. In this study, the phenomenon of cyberaddiction (computer dependence) in schoolchildren was studied, the relationship between this type of addiction and the cognitive characteristics of the adolescent personality was determined, and recommendations for preventing this type of dependence were developed. Based on the use of a set of techniques, including a test for cyberaddiction of T. A. Nikitina, A. Yu. Egorova and the proof-of-concept test of Toulouse-Pieron, quantitative results were obtained to reveal the relationship between the level of cyberaddiction and cognitive properties (concentration of attention, speed of processing information) of adolescents. The study showed that adolescents with a predisposition to Internet addiction are characterized by a slowing down of the processing speed of information and a violation of memory functions in comparison with a group in which there is no computer dependence.
Keywords: adolescents, cyberaddiction, computer addiction, cognitive properties, quality of voluntary attention, concentration of attention, speed of information processing
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 106 — 112
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