DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-125-130
The relevance of article is caused by the growing role of the Internet in life of the modern children and teenagers. The issue of the influence of Internet content, which is popular among teenagers, on the degree of their conflict and aggression is considered. The need for the professional development of teachers in the field of information security is proven, which should include the study of the regulatory framework, the exchange of experience with colleagues, and the development of methods of protection against negative information and psychological impact. As one of the proposed measures to improve information security, it is proposed to increase interaction with parents in monitoring the behavior of the child on the Internet. Also attention is paid to the need for the systemic work directed to the multifold analysis and assessment of the role of information security in conflict prevention in the educational organization. Among the activities on the prevention of conflicts by means of information security implementation of thematic projects, participation in contests and events, preparation of publications for the school newspaper are offered. Thus, systematic and versatile work, including the activity of teachers on increase in characteristic qualification in questions of information security, the regular and targeted interaction with parents and pupils will allow to increase the level of informational culture and will contribute to the prevention of conflicts in the “pupil-pupil” and “pupil-teacher” system.
Keywords: conflictness, aggression, information security, educational institution, teacher
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 125 — 130
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