DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-139-145
The article deals with the problem of self-destructive behavior of older adolescents. A comprehensive study of this issue adequately meets the urgent needs of a wide audience of educators and psychologists, as well as the social demand of society. The results of our own research are presented. The analysis of the motive in the process of self-determination in the senior adolescence and the problem of the character of the adolescent as a combined effect of two factors that take part in its formation – socio-psychological and biological – are given. Gender bias in the process of self-determination and the choice of a self-destructive lifestyle is associated not only with biological characteristics, but also with social, cultural stereotypes of masculinity and femininity. These stereotypes are assimilated in the process of interiorization of norms or role expectations, the laws and specificity of development of both sexes, their social status, peculiarities of manifestation of the characteristic types of masculinity and femininity, caused by the influence of social factors and the level of development of society. “Normal” to deviant does not occur suddenly or abruptly. These changes have their dynamics, oscillations, deceleration and acceleration. On the part of adult participants in the educational process, attention and observation, tactfulness, exactingness and systematic control are necessary. It is impossible to allow to strengthen negative reactions in the youth environment. Psycho-corrective work should be carried out as early as possible, because a teenager is easily influenced and it is easier in such cases to activate his internal forces to overcome addiction.
Keywords: self-destructive behavior, self-determination, older adolescents, motivation, social environment
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 139 — 145
Downloads: 1351