DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-152-160
The article deals with the question of communication in its educational function from the ancient time till the present. It demonstrates the analytical survey of the formation of the given concept on different stages of the society development. In ancient time by means of communication people interchanged information and knowledge, therefore learned the truth. However, among the interlocuters a philosopher (teacher) was the one who tutored the conversational process. The research shows that in medieval times the situation changed: any interaction between people, or communication was under the church pressure and control. In the period of Renaissance and new time a student becomes a respected person. In “Great didactics” of Johann Comenius the author observes an educational process as an activity that by means of interaction helps to develop communicative skills. Later the Swiss pedagogue Pestalozzi within his method of easy communication demonstrates how pupils are able to develop their cognitive and analytical skills, ability to form and coherently convey thoughts and ideas with the help of comprehensive cooperation. The twentieth century offers a variety of new pedagogical systems. Self-development, self-education are the main principles of Montessori system. The equality between a teacher and a student is the main idea of education in “Summer-hill” school founded by A. Nill. S. Frene organized “Pedagogics in cooperation”. The author emphasizes the presence of interaction, cooperation, educational conversations between pupils in Frene’s system. Russian teachers Amonashvili, Shatalov, Lysenko and others supported the idea of cooperation and intercommunication in the education process. Amonashvilli’s “School of life” realizes the individualization of the learning process, interaction between children that encourages pupils to develop their communicative, sociable skills. The research shows that nowadays there are a lot of traditional and experimental schools. Occasionally educational communication occurs in every pedagogical system. However, the results indicate that as a separate section in the learning process communication in its educational function is on the forming stage. The research helps to understand, study and analyze communication and educational communication in the meaning of the involvement into socialization, interaction and cooperation between a teacher and children.
Keywords: communication, educational communication, history of communication, educational interaction
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 152 — 160
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