DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-161-166
The article presents and illustrates the main elements and stages of development and formation of domestic engineering education. The history of formation of higher educational institutions of Russia is briefly covered. The conclusions are drawn that with the development of the machine industry engineering and technical activities developed rapidly, which, in turn, revealed the need for training of specialists of the corresponding profile. Requirements of new paradigms of engineering education are presented. The question of the quality of engineering education in Russia in terms of the transfer of higher education to the Bologna system and the prospects of engineering education in the current situation. Methods, rationality, strategic lines of improvement of quality of engineering education of a technical profile are revealed. The author reveals the prerequisites for the emergence of engineering education in Russia, which can be divided into economic and historical. Today, several groups of leading technical universities aimed at modernization of engineering education have been formed in the structure of Russian universities. As a result, it can be stated that the condition for successful implementation of the innovative project in the field of engineering education should be an effective modernization of Russian education, taking into account the national specifics, the best academic traditions and current world trends.
Keywords: engineering education, engineering and technical education, training, education system, technical universities, universities
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 161 — 166
Downloads: 1314