DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-168-177
The article analyzes the features of the regions of Western Siberia, similar in terms of socio-economic development, mental attitudes and population composition, creating opportunities for the formation of a regional education system. It is noted that the regionalization of education is a traditional part of Russian state policy in the pre-Soviet, Soviet period and in our time. It is revealed that the characteristics of such neighboring regions of Western Siberia as the Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo regions and the Altai Territory provide similar conditions for the development of educational systems. Their socio-cultural space includes unifying regional factors. The generality of the characteristics of educational systems, mentioned above, allows us to speak about their similarity and unity of socio-cultural tasks. First of all, this is due, in our opinion, not only to natural and climatic factors, but also to the unity of social and cultural-historical processes that form the commonality of the territories of the subjects of the federation. The development of a multicultural educational space in Western Siberia is the most dynamic in the sphere of educational services. The multicultural educational environment, studied by us of the Siberian regions, provides comfortable conditions of educational interaction, including in the sphere of rendering educational services. The restoration of public confidence in regional education, its role in the socio-economic development of most regions of Western Siberia was noted. In the regions of Western Siberia, there is a certain unity of the socio-cultural space, the commonality of the socio-economic space and the similarity of the educational space reflected in the education system and the features of its development. This ensures faster development of the sphere of educational services and the possibility of efficient use of scarce educational development potentials.
Keywords: educational services, regional characteristics of the development of education, region-factors
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 167 — 177
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